Ooh, you’re good. I’ve been thinking of whether or not to write a follow-up to this piece about that very thing, how much narcissism has played into this scenario. A lot of what has happened with the Sussexes seems quite strange or doesn’t make sense to the outside observer but makes a lot more sense if viewed through the lens of the narcissistic style of relating and the cycle of lovebombing, devalue and discard, which goes a long way to explain how they got to this point. As for Harry, i don’t like the narrative that ‘Meghan made him’ do everything, but he has his own special set of circumstances and sensitivities that made him susceptible to a certain kind of relationship dynamic (privilege, entitlement and nativity being part of the potent mix) so yes, people who’ve never had a brush with a Narc in their life will automatically think that I’m just indulging in nasty speculation but those people who’ve encountered the craziness know. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.