You have described the arrested development that occurs with this kind of trauma perfectly. The child within us cries out for healing and tries innumerable times to find different pathways to heal the pain but often in ways that cause further trauma that becomes the focus of our and others’ attention instead of the original wound. Justice for the child is a major element of healing, whether through actual consequences for purpetrators or acknowledgement from self and others that an injury has been inflicted that needs to be validated in its seriousness and that the victim has justified grievances to be dealt with and compensated. Only then can the child within feel healed and seen and growing up occur. I have been through this process myself, for most of my adult life I have been a terrified, wounded 13 year old who struggled to cope and wished for some deliverance that would synthesise my experience and allow me to heal. Think of how many other children are wandering around in adult bodies craving the same. It is only on becoming a mother myself that I have faced what I was forced to cope with and through the conscious parenting of my child have begun to reparent myself and begin to become an adult. Apologies for the long reply but your comment spoke such truth to me. Thank you